Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tomato Salsa

Right now my hubby's tomato plants are producing like gang busters and I have been reaping the rewards.  He has been making salsa and I love it.  I have noticed something interesting, my fasting blood sugar is perfect and it all started when I started eating the salsa.  His recipe uses lime juice as the liquid.  He makes it with cherry tomatoes since we have loads of them, garlic, red onion, jalapeno peppers, seeded and de-veined, salt, and dried red pepper, I think he has been using guajillos and cilantro. 

I love this stuff and I could drink it.  I have been chowing down with my Way Better Tortilla chips, they have lower carbs than the other tortilla chips out there, you know you have the right bag, if it has a sunflower on the front.  My grocery store carries them. 

Even being bad last night with 4 sugar free Oreos and a huge glass of milk, my blood sugar was normal this morning.

We canned 6 pints of salsa yesterday.  If you want the recipe we used for canning, the Ball Big Blue Book of Canning has the recipe.  It is the Spicy Salsa.  It is fantastic.  The heat is mild for me.  It might not be for others, I just know I love it hot. 

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